Monthly Archives: May 2012

Three Myths about What Customers Want

As a marketer, there is a constant focus on “building relationships” and “engaging customers”. However, according to the HBR article below, most customers are not interested in continued and constant engagement. Furthermore, many customers do not like constant touchpoints/interactions.

Check out this article by Karen Freeman, Patrick Spenner and Anna Bird on how marketers often get it wrong and what they can do to target their customers in more meaningful ways.

How do you connect with customers? Does the article make valid points or do you disagree with the premise and points? Let us know in the comments!

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Currently Reading: Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0

With a down economy and millions of people unemployed and underemployed, setting oneself apart professionally has never been more important. Not only do multi-national corporations have brands these days, individuals do as well. From carefully crafted (or not) online social personas to posting professional credentials on LinkedIn, whether you have cultivated one with a great sense of awareness, you have a brand. If you are looking to strengthen your brand and increase your job prospects, check out what we are currently reading after the jump.

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